La población a
la cual va dirigido el curso se encuentra entre los 18 y los 28 años que hayan
culminado su bachillerato y que tengan como mínimo un nivel B1 de inglés
certificado según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia; que posea alta destreza
en las habilidades de comunicación como lo son: lectura, escritura,
pronunciación y escucha. La persona que se postula debe poseer habilidades de
trabajo en equipo y uso básico de comunicación bajo el uso de TICs.
Welcome to a place where you can learn English and enjoy the proccess.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
En la siguiente actividad vas a imaginar que estas de vacaciones en alguna parte interesante del mundo; en el contenido de la postal debes incluir las actividades que has realizado hasta el momento, las accciones que estas haciendo en el momento de escribirla y los planes que tienes para los días que te quedan allí.
Debes redactar una postal utilizando las estructuras vistas: presente perfecto,
presente continuo y futuro “be going to” . No olvides tener en cuenta los temas adicionales:
- Partes de una postal (paso a paso SLIDESHARE)
- Adjetivos para describir
lugares y vocabulario para el viajero o
turista (los encuentras en el glosario)
Generar espacios
de interacción con los estudiantes en diversas formas orales y escritas, utilizando
la segunda lengua (Inglés) a la par que se proveen espacios de enriquecimiento
de vocabulario nuevo y estructuras más elaboradas.
- General goals The learner will apply strategies and skills to create a written, and visual text:
- discuss the things they have donde so far (present perfect usage)
- talk about what they are doing at present (present contunuous usage)
- share information and ideas.
- recount or narrate.
- use the given vocabulary (adjectives and turistic)
- report information on a topic.
- explain the plans for the time left there (be going to structure)
- present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
English Language Development
- Grammar and proccess goals:
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
What is a postcard?
It is a commercially printed card with space on one side for an address and a
postage stamp, used for sending message through the mail. Postcards may also have printed pictures about the place or places you are visiting and some lines or extra info about them.
How to write a postcard?
Encuentra el paso a paso en el siguiente link:
La metodología se basa en la interacción constante siguiendo un modelo social a través del cual los estudiantes construyen sus ideas y conceptos siendo todos ellos mediados y guiados por el docente a cargo. Todas las actividades se realizan con el fin de profundizar en
gramática, ortografía, desarrollo de textos escritos y uso
de estrategias TIC en torno a un tema de interés y actualidad para la
población en particular.
Cada tema lleva consigo una serie de actividades diferentes y a continuación vamos a ver el paso a paso.
Step by step proccess:
- The teacher will model what postcards are and show several examples. Ask students if they have ever received a postcard? Discuss with class participants.
- Tell students that they are going to select a photograph, picture etc. and be able to write a postcard. Students will select it from an available picture or photograph (these can be downloaded from the internet). Tell the students that they will discuss the postcard through writing and share what they wrote later on.
- Teacher will show a poster of the correct way to address a postcard and what each side is used for. Teacher can model this activity on a plain poster or previously create one. Hand out postcard paper at this point (see link below).
- Have students decide who they will send the postcard to. They can then address the postcard. It is usually a good idea for students to choose someone at school and use the school address to address the postcard.
- Modeling good writing skills, teach the students how to use the date and greeting and complete those parts of the postcard.
- Students will peruse the photograph, interpret it by choosing what is happening in the photograph or picture and decide what to write. If help is needed in spelling, have spelling dictionaries and other dictionaries available.
- Allow students time to think and write their message.
- Students will complete their postcard by remembering to include the closing and signature.
- Students will now be given instructions about recreating the photograph from their written word. It will become a true picture postcard. Hand out a second piece of paper with the blank envelope shape on it. The picture will be drawn here using appropriate art.
- When students have completed their drawing, they will color their picture postcard.
- Students will cut out their shapes, both postcard and drawing, with decorative scissors.
- Students will then choose a piece of construction paper for the background.
- Using a glue sick, the picture will be glued on one side of the construction paper. The postcard (writing) will be glued to the other side of the construction paper.
- Punch a hole near the top with a one-holed punch. Put a reinforcement on each side.
- Measure out approximately 18 inches of yarn and thread it through. Your postcard is ready to hang and be viewed from both sides.
Recursos físicos:
- Dictionary
- Paper
- scissors
- glue
- colored pencils
- printed postcard form
- pencils
- pictures--printed or online
- push pins for hanging product
- picture postcards
Recursos web: Computer with internet connection and web browser
- Página de consulta en línea para profundizar los temas gramaticales:
- BASIC GRAMMAR IN USE; Raymond Murphy
SIDE BY SIDE; Book 3; Activity workbook; Steven J. Molinsky, Bill Bliss.
SLIDESHARE Application.
Adjectives to Describe Places
Plain : Plano, llano, simple.
Quiet : Calmado, callado.
Clean : Limpio.
Dirty : Sucio.
Ancient : Antiguo.
Modern : Moderno
Mountainous : Montañoso
Flat : Plano, llano.
Tropical : Tropical.
Overcrowded : Superpoblado, congestionado.
Fertile : fertil.
Rough : Aspero, tosco, escabroso.
Busy : Ocupado, congestionado.
Narrow : Estrecho.
Polluted : Contaminado.
Dry : Seco.
Monotonous : Monótono.
Developed : Desarrollado.
Urban : Urbano, citadino.
Foreign : Extranjero.
Outdoor : Al aire libre.
Indoor : AL interior, dentro de casa.Vocabulary for tourists
accomodation | alojamiento |
admission fee | costo de la entrada |
brochure | folleto |
camping site, campsite | sitio para acampar |
car rental (US) | alquiler de autos |
car hire (GB) | alquiler de autos |
car park (GB) | estacionamiento |
caravan | casa rodante, rulot, caravana |
city centre (GB) | centro de la ciudad |
cruise | crucero |
double room | habitación doble |
double room with twin beds | habitación doble con dos camas |
downtown (US) | centro de la ciudad |
flight | vuelo |
fortnight | quincena |
guesthouse | casa de huéspedes, pensión |
guide | guía |
high season | temporada alta |
hiking trail | sendero de caminata |
holidays (GB) | vacaciones |
holidaymaker | veraneante, turista |
hostel | hostal |
hotel | hotel |
hotel chain | cadena de hoteles |
inn | posada |
low season | temporada baja |
motor-home | casa rodante |
one-way ticket (US) | viaje de ida |
package deal | paquete |
parking lot (US) | estacionamiento |
resort | lugar de vacaciones |
return ticket (GB) | viaje de ida y vuelta |
round ticket (US) | viaje de ida y vuelta |
season | temporada |
sightseeing tour | visita con guía |
single ticket (GB) | viaje de ida |
single room | habitación simple |
sightseer | turista, excursionista |
ski resort | estación de esquí |
sun lotion | bronceador |
sunglasses | gafas de sol |
sunblock | filtro solar |
sunburn | quemadura de sol |
theme park | parque de diversiones |
time-sharing | tiempo compartido |
tour operator | empresa de viajes |
tourist office | oficina de turismo |
travel agency | agencia de viajes |
travel agent | agente de viajes |
vacation (US) | vacaciones |
voyage | viaje (en barco o nave espacial) |
waiting list | lista de espera |
youth hostel | albergue juvenil |
to book | reservar |
to confirm | confirmar |
to drive | conducir |
to fly | volar |
to go on holiday (GB), vacation (US) | irse de vacaciones |
to go abroad | irse al extranjero |
to go camping | ir de camping |
to go climbing | ir a escalar |
to go hiking | ir a dar una caminata |
to go mountaineering | hacer alpinismo |
to go sightseeing | visitar lugares de interés |
to go skiing | ir a esquiar |
to go swimming | ir a nadar |
to go to the beach | ir a la playa |
to have a good time | pasarlo bien |
to have a bad time | pasarlo mal |
to make a reservation | reservar |
to hold a reservation | mantener una reserva |
to plan | organizar |
to rent a car | alquilar un auto |
to stay | permanecer |
to sunbathe | tomar sol |
to take a holiday (GB), vacation (US) | tomarse vacaciones |
to take a photograph | tomar una fotografía |
to travel | viajar |
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
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